Mental HealthInfo Center
Shocker: Turbulent Teen Brains Like Adults
Parents have known since almost the dawn of time that teens are turbulent. Teens tend to be impulsive and their moods, desires, and drives are constantly changing. Scientists have now found a constant.
Parents Make Kids More Stressed
The moods and behavior of parents affect their kids tremendously. And the children of bipolar parents are particularly sensitive.
I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...
Many parents will ask their children how their day was or what they had for lunch, in which the will get short word responses, "cool" or " I do not know." So what is your child thinking? There has to be more, they must have opinions on what they did for the day or if they liked their lunch.
Too Depressed to Take Pills
Being depressed affects just about everything, including focus and energy. New research shows that depressed people tend not to take medications for their other conditions.
Being a Night Owl Isn't Good For Your Health
Staying up until the wee hours of the morning may potentially lead to your weight to increase. Sleep disorder researchers exploring the relationship between the circadian timing of sleeping, eating and body mass index (BMI) report that this up and down relationship was studied for the first time in the United States.
Smoking Causes Genetic Changes
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is not simply a smoker's cough or bronchitis. It is a chronic, under-diagnosed and life-threatening lung disease.
Children Get Better When Their Moms Feel Better
The children of depressed mothers often have behavior problems. Now it's known than when moms feel better, their kids behave and do better, too.
Mad Science
It's mad science. Researchers have found a way to program computers so they can't forget fast enough and begin to show signs of a kind of virtual schizophrenia.
Do Even More Children Have Autism?
According to the CDC, autism affects 1 in 110 children. But that number may grossly underestimate how many children and families actually suffer.
Quicker Way to Know Sooner
A mom sits in her pediatrician's office and fills out a checklist about her baby. Someday, just such a simple screening may be available to diagnose autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in infants.