Mental HealthInfo Center

Depression Medicines May Affect Weight Gain
Antidepressants affect the moods of countless people with depression around the world. But they may also affect their waistlines.
Some Antidepressants Led to Less Weight Gain
Taking any medication means potentially experiencing its possible side effects. Concern about antidepressants' side effects may prevent some individuals from taking them.
Testing Rx Combo to Help Smokers Be Smoke Free
Smoking causes one in five deaths in the US. Varenicline and bupropion are approved to help smokers quit, but are only partly effective. Using both medications together might work better.
Taking Antidepressants When the Baby's Due
Women who have anxiety or depression have important decisions to make about their medications when they are pregnant. Though these medications may carry some risks, not taking them has risks too.
Medical Help to Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is hard, but you don't have to do it alone. Some medical treatments have been shown to help.
Smoking Aids Do Help Quitting
Not everyone is able to quit smoking cold turkey, and that’s okay. There are several available types of quit smoking aids that have been proven to work over the years.
Smoking Cessation Meds: Take Two
Quitting smoking can be tough, but it simply has to be done. Researchers keep looking at ways to help people quit for good, even if there are side effects involved.
Antidepressants and the Heart
Last year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that Celexa may affect heart function. So, researchers wanted to know if this was true for other types of antidepressants.
Meds & Counseling Combo Work Best
Quitting smoking is a life saving action. Don’t get down about it. Get help instead. Use support and medications together until the job is done.