Health News
Chin Up to Stay Healthy
Teens from financially struggling backgrounds often have poorer health than teens from higher income backgrounds. But not all low-income teens have poorer health. What's their secret?
Worrying Your Way to a Heart Attack?
People with depressive symptoms have an increased risk of heart attacks and developing heart disease. For those who already have heart problems, stress and depression can worsen their health.
Being On the Down Low May Not Help
Bisexual men often hide their sexual orientation more often than gay men, according to research. They also tend to have poorer mental health. Is there a connection between the two?
Earth to Mars: Are You Awake Out There?
A trip to Mars involves all kinds of challenges for the human body. It would take over a year just to get there and back. How will astronauts' bodies cope in terms of sleep cycles?
Caregivers Take on the Alzheimer’s Patch
Caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may have a lot to manage. Can skin patches that deliver drugs save time, energy and improve quality of life for caregivers?
Risk Factors That May Identify Child Abuse
A survey of around 26,000 adults found three factors raised the risk for physical child abuse by 15 times. Healthcare professionals can help keep an eye out for these risks.
It's Time for Recess!
Teachers might look forward to recess as much as children do. It's a chance to let kids run off their energy. But recess is also an important daily part of children's overall development.
Are You Angry – or Grateful?
Seeking strength from God to deal with illness is just as common as being angry at God for an illness. But the way these two attitudes affect an individual is quite different.
How to Keep Strokes Away as You Age
As people approach old age, they have an increased risk of depression and stress. This can lead to physical strain on the body. It can also put them in the express lane for diseases.
Don’t Sweat Family Holidays
Holiday gatherings can trigger stress from disrupted plans to concentrated face time with family. A psychiatrist from Vanderbilt created a list of tips to help cope with holiday chaos.