Health News
High Spirits, Low Stress Might Lift up Heart
Depression and stress can damage heart health. Put both conditions together, and it may cause a double-whammy that amplifies heart risks.
Manage Your Stress to Help Your Heart
Exercise in your teens is a good thing, but even with exercise, poor ability to cope with stress may affect your heart later in life.
Why Many Women May Struggle After Heart Attacks
Stress is a feared enemy of heart health, but most people have a hard time kicking it out of their lives. Learning to cope with stressful events may be an important step for women recovering from a heart attack.
Stress Makes for a Fragile Ticker
The heart is a tough muscle, but stress can take a real toll. After years of stress, that tough muscle may become more vulnerable to disease or heart attack.
World Crises Trigger More Heart Attacks
When this world starts to get you down, it could be increasing your risk of heart attack. New studies have found that hurricanes, war and economic crises may be bad for the heart.
Worrying Your Way to a Heart Attack?
People with depressive symptoms have an increased risk of heart attacks and developing heart disease. For those who already have heart problems, stress and depression can worsen their health.
Meditation Boosts Heart Health
Meditation may not be high on your to-do list if you have a busy lifestyle. It makes sense to find time to unwind because the added relaxation may offer your heart a boost.
Depression, Anxiety and Your Risk of Stroke
There is a lot of evidence suggesting that coronary heart disease is linked to psychological distress symptoms like anxiety and depression. However, it may be that heart disease is not the only risk.