Health News
No Pet Turtle for You, Kid!
They seem like the perfect pets: they're slow, mild and quiet, and they come with their own case. But turtles, like other reptiles, carry a danger for small children — salmonella.
Parenting a Child With Diabetes
Each year, more than 30,000 people, both children and adults, are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. When a person is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, which often happens in childhood, an entire lifestyle change is needed.
With Lightning, Safety First!
Storms can sneak up on people and catch them off guard. Follow safety guidelines to avoid being struck by lightning!
Play in the Sun, Yes
Sunscreen? Yes indeed. SPF 15, 30, or 50? No worries. Parents are a-okay with their children playing in the sun.
Why Does Violence Affect Health?
Experiencing violence as a child raises the risk of health problems later in life. A new study is trying to understand why this risk is higher.
A Smile's Positive Effect
A smile comes naturally when we are feeling good. But what is the science behind this automatic expression of joy? How is smiling received in another person? How does it effect our physical health? How can it effect the wellbeing of others who weren't even directly exposed to it?
Detergent Capsules Pose Danger to Kids
Childproofing the home for little kids is more than important. It can be a life or death situation. This is especially true for household chemicals.
Co-Parenting Through Technology
Over one million children experience divorce each year. Having a positive co-parenting relationship is one of the most important challenges a divorced couple will face.
No Energizer Bunny for Your Child
You may have lost the remote control for the umpteenth time, but make sure your toddler doesn't find it. And check all the screws on his toys' battery enclosures.
Does Dad Matter?
The transition from childhood to adolescence can be a bumpy one. It is a time where peers become much more important, and parents less so. At least, that’s how parents feel.