Health News
Quit Smoking, Your Kid Can’t Breathe
Kids hospitalized for respiratory problems often live in homes where adults smoke. Can healthcare professionals make a difference by talking to parents about secondhand smoke?
A Link Between Smoking and Bacteria
The dangers of secondhand smoke for children can often show up in unexpected ways. Even some bacterial illnesses can pose a higher risk to children if they're around secondhand smoke.
Safe Toys for the Holidays
On the first day of Christmas, my mommy gave to me… three non-choking-hazard toys, two BPA-free figures and a stuffed animal without removable parts... How safe are the toys under your tree this year?
Don't Throw These Leftovers Away
It's not uncommon to have leftover medications from a prescription you no longer need. If wisdom teeth sockets no longer hurt, most people stop taking the painkiller. But not everyone.
Which Chemicals Are in House Dust?
Flame retardants were once commonly used in furniture. But the chemicals were phased out when researchers discovered they could contribute to health problems. So are they completely gone now?
Pediatricians Warn of Pesticide Exposure
Residues from pesticides are all around us: in the air, in our food, in dust, in soil. Whether used in farming or in homes, these chemicals can affect children exposed to them.
Seven Ways to Make Thanksgiving Healthier
It's here – that one day of the year when the whole point is to eat all manner of tasty comfort food with abandon. Heaping helpings of sweet potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin and apple pies…
TBI and Pesticide Increase Risk of Parkinson's
While the exact causes of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are unknown, it is likely to be from a mixture of environmental and genetic factors. Having exposure to more than one risk factor could increase the chances of developing the disease.
Smoking in Cars with Kids
It is known that secondhand smoke can be harmful to those exposed, especially in confined spaces like cars.
Extra Activity, Extra Satisfaction
When life's got you down and things aren't going well, maybe lack of exercise is to blame. Young adults are more satisfied and happy with life on days they exercise. Two new research studies have found out why.