Health News
Magnets For Adults, Not For Kids to Eat
Magnets might be fun for your kids to play with, but it won't be any fun if they swallow a magnet and have to take a trip to the hospital. What's more, procedures to remove the magnets can come with more risks than other procedures.
Stay Safe and Clean During Summer Swims
A great way to cool off in the summer heat is a dip in a swimming pool. If you visit public pools, though, take the steps necessary to protect yourself and others from bacteria.
More Lead Means Lagging Reading Scores
Lead is a well-known environmental risk for children. Too much exposure to lead can have long-term effects on a child's brain. And it may not take much lead to have an effect.
Cleansing the Home of Cleaning Products
You may think that by cleaning the kitchen with strong products, you are taking steps to keep your family safe from germs. However, these chemical products meant to clean may actually be contributing to illness.
Flame Retardant Chemicals Raise Concerns
Throughout our entire lives, we interact with chemicals. The vast majority of these chemicals do us good or cause no harm. A small number, however, are linked to mental health issues.
Not LOL When Teens Text While Driving
Public health officials have advertised the dangers of drinking and driving for years. But texting while driving can be just as dangerous, and not everyone is getting the message.
Kerosene and Kids Don't Mix
You know them by the names propane, methane, butane, octane and other "anes." These hydrocarbons are in most homes and can pose serious risks to little children.
Metal in a Tube of Lipstick?
Concern about the ingredients in lipsticks and other makeup products have been around almost as long as makeup has. Sometimes, though, there is some reason to be concerned.
Greener Pastures for the Mind
Enjoying a community park is a great way to relax and take in a little nature. Having a park nearby may even lower stress and promote a sense of well-being.
What Difference Does School Lunch Make?
More and more research is pointing to children's access to food as a major influence on their nutrition and risk for obesity. School lunches are a big part of that access.