Health News

Blood Pressure Monitoring Methods Inconsistent
Having accurate blood pressure readings is critical. Inaccurate measurements could lead to misdiagnosis or unneeded treatment.
Blood Pressure Drugs Better at Bedtime
Because high blood pressure can damage the kidneys, many patients with chronic kidney disease take drugs to lower their blood pressure. These patients might find it more beneficial to take their drugs before bed.
Borderline Hypertension, Elevated Stroke Risk
Borderline high blood pressure puts individuals at an elevated stroke risk even though patients don't formally have hypertension. Common blood pressure drugs may significantly reduce that risk.
Fishing for a Healthy Heart
Previous studies have shown that omega-3 derived from fish or supplements is beneficial to heart health in men. Little research has been done to determine whether women reap the same cardiovascular protection.
Is Hypertension Linked to Dementia?
Could common conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes influence dementia? New findings suggest a possible link.
Silent Stroke Causes Found Among Sickle Cell Kids
Silent stroke may be the most common form of brain injury in children with sickle cell anemia, a rare, painful blood disorder. Recently, researchers have been able to pinpoint the risk factors for such strokes in children.
One in Four Canadians Projected to Develop Hypertension
As the population ages and people live longer, the rate of high blood pressure is increasing. By 2013, more than a quarter of all Canadians are expected to suffer from hypertension.
High Blood Pressure Linked to Depression in Pregnancy
For pregnant women, a history of high blood pressure before pregnancy means a higher risk of depression, which is also associated with postpartum depression and difficulty bonding with the baby.
Blood Pressure a Harbinger of Brain Problems
More recently doctors have told patients that ambulatory blood pressure monitoring may be a more accurate predictor of high blood pressure. It also may be the best predictor of cognitive decline and small vessel brain disease among older individuals.
Too Little Salt May Increase Heart Risk
High salt consumption has long been associated with heart disease including hypertension, stroke and heart attack. Low levels of sodium also may negatively impact cardiovascular health.