Health News
Equal Protection
A study funded by HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine maker, Merck & Co., finds the HPV vaccine Gardasil® protects boys as well as girls against the virus.
Knock, Knock: It's Nocturia
Nocturia, a condition in which individuals experience the frequent need to urinate throughout the night during sleeping hours, affects one in five U.S. men.
Safety in Numbers
A review by scientists found that of the near 90 million doses of H1N1 flu vaccine administered in 2009-2010 in China, no pattern of serious side effects has emerged.
Power to the Patients
According to new recommendations from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, individuals with advanced cancer should be counseled on end-of-life care choices earlier.
Community Ties
Although past research has shown that children who grow up poor have an increased risk of developing health problems as adults, a new study has found that there is a good way to counter this.
Down but Not Out
Breast cancer survivors may be prone to hip fractures once they hit middle age, according to a study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
For-Profits Profit, Non-Profits Pay for It
A new study shows that non-profit hospices care for a higher proportion of expensive patients compared to for-profit hospices.
Hidden Benefits
Australian researchers have found that a specific type of osteoporosis treatment may extend the life of patients, in addition to being an effective treatment for bone loss.
Closing Schools for the Flu
When there is an outbreak of flu or other epidemics, selective school closures are considered one way to reduce the number of cases. However, new research shows that this limited tactic may be ineffective.
What's in the Black Box?
In a new study, researchers from Greece and the U.S. call attention to inconsistencies in black box warnings - the safety warnings on a drug's label that highlight the serious risks of that drug.