Health News

Eat Away Belly Fat
Fat can be tricky because some fat is good for you, but too much is detrimental. Fat found deep in the belly is one of those kinds of fats that’s not good for you.
Metformin Melts Fat and PCOS Away
Whacked out hormones cause polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition which is thought to affect seven percent of all women, cause period problems and appearance changes.
Candy Isn’t Necessarily a Bad Thing for Kids
Candy has often been a culprit in the obesity epidemic because the sugary-sweet goodness just doesn’t seem to provide any benefits other than a sugar high. This may not be the case.
Obesity Complicates Hysterectomy
A recent study indicates  that obese women have an increased risk of complications during and after a hysterectomy.  Maintain optimal weight throughout your lifetime. Prof Osler, a consultant physician and professor of clinical databases in the Research Centre for Prevention and Health at Glostrup University Hospital in Glostrup, Denmark reports that they discovered that the increased risk of all bleeding complications and infection associated with obese women were only seen in women who underwent an abdominal hysterectomy . There was no increased risk associated with those who ha...
Tune in to Help Kids Lose Weight
Weight is often a sore subject to bring up. Who wants to hear they're overweight - or even worse, that their kids are overweight? Not many. Still, help is always better sooner than later.
Benefits of Calcium and Vitamin D
Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients for bone health, but researchers have now found another plus for this duo. The combination of calcium and vitamin D may reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Bee Grateful
Bees and other pollinators help fertilize crops to ensure there are enough fruit and vegetable supplies around the world. So without bees, where would we be?
Turn Off the TV, Turn on Life
Media has its pros and cons but allowing children too much screen time can become both addicting and fattening. So, find a lifestyle that does not involve any form of media to be the healthiest.
Tipsy Driving is Still Drunk Driving
The blood-alcohol limit in the U.S. is 0.08, which is significantly higher than any other country. What do they know that we don’t? Are our limits too high?
Strawberry Mania – Longer Seasons
Strawberries are tasty and have disease fighting nutrients. No wonder they’re in such high demand all over the country. Only one problem, strawberry season doesn’t last long enough...until now.