Health News
American vs. EU = It's a Draw
Ready for some good news about teenagers and smoking and drinking? Kids in the U.S. are doing less of both than their peers across the pond.
Early Arrival May Affect Mental Health
Babies born ahead of their time might need more than tiny clothes. They may also require parents to be more vigilant for signs of developing mental illness in their children.
Risky Behaviors & Risky Business
When researchers suggest that kids who listen to their music too loudly are more likely to drink and do drugs, the first thought might be that researchers are uptight.
Computer-Aided Drug Use Prevention
Teens have a tough time hearing warnings from parents and authority figures. Research shows computer education might be the best way to reach kids about the dangers of alcohol and drug use.
Substance Abuse & School Drop Outs
Conflicting evidence makes it tough to know exactly why some kids drop out of school because of drinking and drugs and other kids stick with it. Alcohol may be riskier than smoking pot when it comes to drop out rates.
Why Do Pregnant Women Light Up
Despite the disturbing images being added to cigarette packs and the Surgeon General's warnings against smoking while pregnant, some women are lighting up while pregnant anyway.
Treating Heroin Addiction
Methadone is a common replacement therapy drug treatment for heroin addiction. The cost per dose of diacetylmorphine may be higher, but overall health care costs are lowered.
Teens & Pills
Teens are starting to abuse painkillers earlier in life than previously thought. Preventative methods introduced to seniors in high school are probably too late, and recent reports indicate that education should start earlier.
Rx Abuse Starts Young
Teen drug abuse of prescription opioids is a problem. Parental monitoring, proper disposal after they’re no longer needed for medical purposes and honest education could help reduce the abuse.
Researchers gathered data that suggests nonmedical use of prescription drugs among high school seniors needs intervention. The possibility of more serious drug abuse is also prevalent.
Properly store and dispose of prescription opioids to prevent abuse.
Sean Esteban McCabe PhD., research professor at the University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center, led a team to evaluate the p...
Implant to Fight Multi-Drug Addiction
Naltrexone can counteract the effects of heroine or alcohol and can be helpful for people trying to kick addiction. New research suggests it is helpful for people addicted to more than one drug.