Health News
Chasing After Autism Therapies that Work
Parents of kids with autism know there are many different treatment options and many different sources of information. Making decisions about which treatment is best can be hard.
Mixing Mental Health and Substance Use
If you're treating a teen for mental health, it's important to understand the big picture. The big picture includes how much they drink, smoke or use marijuana.
Do Alternative Autism Therapies Work?
There are many web sources singing the praises of herbs, vitamins and other alternative therapies for the treatment of autism. Do any of them work? Are they safe?
Dental Health Can Be Tricky For Kids With Autism
Kids with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ) may have difficulty with oral healthcare. ASD behaviors may influence how parents feel about their own ability to manage their child’s oral care.
Experts Weigh in on Autism Programs
There are many programs for kids with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ). An expert panel recently created some best practice guidelines for these programs.
Managing Health Care for Autistic Adults
Adults with autism may take over managing their own health care. But some may struggle with getting everything they need. A recent study did an internet survey to ask adults with autism about their health care.
Autism May Affect Dental Care
Most kids don’t like going to the dentist or brushing their teeth. Kids with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may have even more problems with oral care.
Picking the Best Preschool Autism Program
Preschool for kids with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can be separate or integrated with other kids. But how do you choose which is best for your child?
Kids With Autism May Use ER For Help
Symptoms of autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ) are not on a doctor’s schedule. When problems come up after hours, trips to the emergency room may be a solution.
Immunizations, Autism, and Family Health
There has been a lot of controversy about immunizations possibly causing autism. Even though science doesn’t support this, some parents are still worried. A recent study found that parents who have a child with autism may be making risky choices for their other children.