Health News

Binge Drinking and Pregnancy Don't Mix
It is already known that drinking during pregnancy can affect the growing baby's brain and development. But different amounts of alcohol drunk at different times in a pregnancy may have different effects.
Sexual Orientation is a Pediatric Issue
Young people who come out as gay may be faced with discrimination at school and even at home. The pediatrician's office could be one place these youth feel comfortable talking about their sexual identity.
Black and White Realities of ADHD
ADHD can be a challenging disorder for children if they do not receive treatment. Getting treatment requires that they be accurately identified in the first place.
Video Games: Friend or Foe for Autism?
One of the key symptoms of autism is difficulty dealing with most social situations. Autistic children therefore often seek out activities by themselves, such as playing video games.
When Babies Are Forced to Smoke
Some babies may be more likely than others to develop respiratory infections. This is especially true of babies prone to allergies. Secondhand smoke can make the situation worse.
Having “The Talk” with Teens
Parents may feel that what they say to their kids goes in one ear and out the other. But parents may have more influence than they think when it comes to talking with their teens about alcohol and drug use.
How Is ADHD Linked to Breastfeeding?
It's helpful to learn as much as possible about conditions like ADHD. However, sometimes learning more information requires being careful about what the information actually means.
Kids Seeing More Drinking in Movies
Movie characters haven’t been smoking on the silver screen nearly as much as they used to. They have been drinking beer though, and more and more of it every year.
Nature Versus Nurture in Babies' Sleep
It can be tough to pick out what influences a child's sleeping patterns. Some of it is probably genetic, and some is probably environmental. The trick is knowing which is which.
Making Sure Johnny Sits Up on Time
If a child has delays in motor development, it may indicate a developmental disorder. Parents can learn to understand what doctors are looking for in a child's normal development.