Health News
Teen Drinking & Driving - Dumb!
Teen drinking and driving is a major public health concern. The fear of consequences does seem to motivate teens to behave. However, over the last 10 years, teen drinking and driving rates has notably decreased.
Quitlines for Smoking Can Help With Drinking
Smoking 'quitlines' are a cost-effective, easy to access tool to help people quit smoking. Researchers are proposing that quitlines can also help smokers with hazardous drinking habits as well.
International Soccer Players & Painkillers
Professional soccer players all over the world are overusing and abusing painkillers to stay on the field. Long-term health consequences of the abuse of painkillers are cause for growing concern among doctors.
Quit Smoking with Online Help
Quitting smoking is extremely difficult for most people, and more methods are needed to help people of all backgrounds to kick the habit to save their lives. A new Internet tool was designed through trial and error to work with smokers optimally.
Overuse of Painkillers Starts Young
Long-term use of painkillers is rarely a necessity, but teens and young adults often get prescriptions and then develop a hard habit to kick. Youths with mental health disorders are even more at risk for developing a pill habit.
Sharing a Hookah Not Smart
College students' rates of smoking cigarettes has been declining, but the same cannot be said for an even more ancient way of getting a tobacco high: the waterpipe .
Self-Medicating College Students
College is a tough time of transitions and self-exploration for many students. But students feeling depressed may be self-medicating instead of seeking the help they need.
Smoking May Worsen RA
Smoking hurts your lungs, there's no doubt about it. But smoking is bad for you in so many other ways, especially if you have rheumatoid arthritis.
12 Steps to Freedom
Substance abuse is hard on the brain and wallet. The consequences can be more than physical and emotional. They can be financial too.
An Apple a Day to Keep Smoking Away?
Trying to quit smoking? Here, have another serving of peas. And munch on some broccoli or fruit salad while you're at it.