Health News

Hyperactive Now, Obese Later?
It is challenging enough to manage a mental or developmental disorder such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there may be long-term consequences to manage as well.
Prostate Cancer May Prefer Big Men
Obesity increases a person’s risk of a variety of cancers. This connection now appears to affect men who have been tested for and found not to have prostate cancer.
Stay Fit and Trim to Avoid ED
For men, the "golden years" may present some unfortunate obstacles to having sex. Maintaining a healthy weight could keep their sex lives from taking a dive. 
Deep-Fried Cancer Risks
Who doesn’t love French fries, fried chicken and doughnuts? And who doesn’t know that fried delicacies are not the best choice for your health? Well, the news isn't getting any better. These foods are now associated with increased risks of yet another cancer.
Working Out Those Prostate Proteins
Men who like to flaunt those muscles at the gym may have another reason to keep fit and active besides looking good and feeling strong.
More Testosterone, Less Fat?
Earlier research has shown that obesity and low testosterone levels are linked, but could managing testosterone provide a quick fix for obesity?
Fathering a Baby? Eat Better!
According to the old adage, you are what you eat, but for men eating fatty foods, their diets may be affecting their sperm counts too. A new study reveals that the amount and types of fat consumed by men may be associated with the quality of their semen. Limit fatty foods and consume more unsaturated fats than saturated ones. In a study led by Jill Attaman, of Vincent Obstetrics and Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical Center, researchers looked at the diets of 99 primarily Caucasian American men who attended a fertility clinic between 2006 and 2010. ...
The Resolution Plan
It's that time of year again - time to make all those resolutions with all those good intentions that go behind them.
Young Generation Faces Health Gap
For young Americans, the gap in levels of health care has increased substantially. If you were born in the United States after 1980, the health disparity may have grown like never before.
Protect Your Prostate
Eating the right foods and exercising regularly are key elements in staying healthy. There’s no wonder experts all around the world say these same elements help keep prostate healthy.