Health News

Some Bacteria Can Be a Good Thing
Did you know there are more bacterial cells in your gut than human cells in your whole body? It’s true. But there’s no need to panic.
Collagen: Do You Want to Add It to My Smoothie?
If you’ve been to a health food store, the natural products section of a grocery store or a juice shop lately, chances are they’ve tried to sell you collagen products.
New Weight Loss Device Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a novel prescription weight management device.
To Detox or Not to Detox?
It seems like everyone is “detoxing” or "doing a cleanse” these days. But are these diets actually safe? Do they work?
5 Common Diet Plans
With summer approaching, a crash diet doesn't have to be your only option to lose those extra pounds. You've got healthier options.
Fiber and Your Diet
Fiber keeps your bowel movements regular, but it can do a lot more than that.
Can Food Really 'Burn' Fat?
You eat a certain food, and the extra fat on your body burns and melts away. That's the way many advertisements say it's going to work, but the concept of food "burning" fat may be more fiction than fact.
Caffeine: How Much Is Too Much?
Do you find yourself drinking several cups of joe each day? How much caffeine is too much?
Another Reason to Fill Up Your Cup
Because so many people drink coffee every day, researchers have long wondered whether it's healthy. Now, they may have an answer.
Salt and Your Heart
Other nutrients in your diet may not counteract the harmful effects of sodium (salt) on blood pressure, according to a new study.