Health News

Stimulating the Brain to Fight Depression
For people who are severely depressed, new hope may be on the horizon. Many people who suffer from major depressive disorder are also highly treatment resistant.
New Insights into Mental Illness
Psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia have long been something of a mystery, but new research is identifying the brain circuits and chemicals that are involved in such illnesses.
A Preschool Intervention
Recent studies have shown symptoms of clinical depression arising as early as age three. Doctors have responded by creating a therapy that parents can use to help.
Soothing Grandma's Depressive Symptoms
Although the elderly population may have the smallest amount of internet usage, they set to gain substantially from it if they find themselves in a nursing home.
Physically Train to Aid the Brain
With hundreds of channels, programs, and movies available to at the click of a button, it's becoming all too tempting to tune into another series instead of taking a walk outdoors, or to order a movie through your cable box or game console instead of playing a physical game.
Biology of Depression Linked to Dementia
From a biological level, severe depression and dementia in older adults look remarkably similar, psychiatrists have found. A new brain scan technique can pinpoint where protein deposits are accumulating.
Depression and Stress Ages Us
Stress seems to be a regular experience in today's fast-paced world, while depression affects 15 million of us. The two often go hand-in-hand.
Therapy Can Aid Dementia Caregivers With Depression
Family members who care for patients suffering from dementia are frequently under stress and are more at risk of suffering from depression. A specialized type of psychotherapy may help.
The Diabetes Brain Drain
Diabetes can lead to a variety of complications, including kidney disease, foot amputations, and eye problems. Even the brain can be affected by diabetes.
Use Your Ears to Change Your Mood
Light therapy, classically referred to as heliotherapy, has been used for years to treat seasonal affective disorder. Originally it was believed that the eyes were the only source of photosensitivity.