DementiaInfo Center
Occupation, Education and Genes Predicted Mental Clarity
As people age, there are sometimes impacts on memory, communication and other mental faculties. But could choices we make throughout life ultimately delay the onset of those conditions?
Lifestyle Linked to Memory Issues, Even for Younger Adults
While there are ways to ease symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, there are no treatments to stop the disease itself. For that reason, many doctors and researchers have shifted their focus to finding ways to prevent the disease.
Rising Blood Pressure, Declining Memory
High blood pressure is tied to greater risks of stroke and heart attack. But high blood pressure also may affect people in areas that may not seem so obvious, including their mental capabilities.
Negative Outlook May Prompt Dementia
A person’s outlook on life and on other people can affect their mental and physical health. A negative outlook may be linked to dementia, which is a bigger problem among older people than younger ones.
Speaking More Than One Language May Help the Brain
There's a common expression: "It’s never too late to learn." When it comes to the benefits of learning another language, this expression seems to hold true.
Not All Alzheimer's Patients Have Memory Loss
Alzheimer’s disease typically affects the area of the brain involved in memory. However, there’s a less common type of Alzheimer’s in which memory loss is not the main symptom.
Exercising Away Cognitive Impairment
Aerobic exercise can promote healthy weight loss and bone health. New research shows that it could also help maintain brain volume and fight cognitive decline.
Healthy Hearts and Strong Brains
Keeping blood pressure in check could reduce your risk for heart disease. But could it also help you stay sharp in midlife?
Not Enough Info to Recommend Routine Dementia Screening
Although mental decline in old age is common, the exact rate is still not known. It also remains unclear when people should get screened for mental decline.
Trouble Breathing Linked to Trouble Thinking for Seniors
For seniors, having difficulty breathing could be a sign that other medical problems are on the horizon — problems like a decline in memory and thinking abilities.