Health News

Reducing Unnecessary Surgeries
The biggest fear about any cancer is the possibility that it has spread. Figuring this out, though, can involve invasive tests. Scientists are working on a laser light method that could avoid unnecessary surgery.
Bigger Hospital, Better Odds
Experience and preparedness are key elements to successful health care. Busy hospital staff may have full hands, but they’re also well equipped to handle any medical surprises.
Loved Patients Live Longer
The road to beating breast cancer can be long and tough. Having a few really supportive friends or a large group to lean on can be a powerful source of strength.
Sunlight Vitamin’s Benefits in Pregnancy
African-American women are already prone to not getting enough vitamin D. When they are pregnant, lacking this nutrient might influence their mental health.
Like Mom, Like Menopause
Women are their mothers' daughters, even at the point in life when they can't have children anymore.
Time of the Month Affects Breathing Woes
Maybe allergies are not to blame if women are coughing more at certain times than others.
Bipolar Balancing Act During Pregnancy
Being pregnant with a psychiatric disorder requires careful balancing of care. Women with bipolar disorder must decide whether or how to treat their condition while pregnant.
Birth Control Boosts the Brain?
Most women take birth control for the obvious reason: to avoid getting pregnant. But it can have some unexpected side benefits. Hormonal birth control might help your brain too.
Hypnotize Away Hot Flashes
Women who don't want to take hormones have limited options in controlling hot flashes for menopause. But one option doesn't involve drugs at all.
Critical Nine-Week Window
Radiation therapy is no picnic, but the sooner the better when fighting uterine cancer. Delaying radiation treatment after surgery doesn’t appear to help long-term recovery.