Health News
Even Lighting Up Occasionally May Spark Health Concerns
Teens may have a tendency to think they're bulletproof, but even an occasional cigarette can be harmful to their health.
The Healing Power of Quitting Smoking
One more entry on the list of reasons to quit smoking: quitting may help your body heal its wounds. Many doctors, however, may not be talking about this benefit with their patients who smoke.
E-Cigs May Zap Addiction
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, may return a bit of independence to tobacco smokers who make the switch.
E-Cigs More Common Than Cigarettes Among Teens
Traditional cigarette smoking has been dropping among US teens for years. But there might be a new trend to consider — e-cigarettes.
New Treatment Helped More Patients Ditch Nicotine
If you can fight fire with fire, why not fight addiction to nicotine with another chemical?
E-Cigs May Help Smokers Kick the Habit
It's tough to kick the smoking habit, but electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) may help.
New Report Ranks US States for Healthiness
The United Health Foundation today released its annual state health rankings. The states varied widely, and some national measures of health saw slight improvements.
Smoking Rate Hit All-Time Low
Efforts to reduce smoking like public bans and media campaigns may be having an effect. The number of Americans who smoke may be smaller than it has ever been.
Quitting Smoking Improves Your Health
Some smokers worry about gaining weight after they quit. But new research found that the potential weight gain was well worth the long-term health benefits of quitting.
Millions of Medical Conditions Tied to Smoking
Many past studies have shown that smoking cigarettes is unhealthy and can cause illnesses like COPD and cancer. Now, a new study has highlighted the extent of these illnesses caused by tobacco.