Health News
Hospitalized? Good Time to Quit
Of course, no one can smoke inside hospitals anymore. There are strict policies against it. But, outside the hospital, on the grounds and in designated areas, it's usually still fair game.
Quit Smoking to Save Your Life
In case you haven't heard, smoking is bad for your health. The evidence keeps piling up that smoking can kill you. The good news is that quitting means a longer life.
Pro-Smoking Apps on Your Child's Phone?
There is an app for absolutely everything these days. This platform allows promotions for tobacco with no age-restricted access on both Apple and Android smartphones.
Meds & Counseling Combo Work Best
Quitting smoking is a life saving action. Don’t get down about it. Get help instead. Use support and medications together until the job is done.
Hot Boxing with Tobacco is Poisonous
Think rolling down the windows or turning on the air to circulate will help cut down on the health risks for kids from smoking in the car? Think again, the air quality is truly toxic.
Want To Live 10 Years Longer?
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for a person’s health. But what are the real risks? Keep reading for the exact odds of smoking-related health problems in over a million women.
Less Smoke, Less Death
Lighting up in a restaurant or a bar affects more than your own lungs. The secondhand smoke is inhaled by those around you as well — unless you live in an area with smoke-free legislation.
In the Cancer Game Quitters Are Winners
Why bother quitting smoking if you already have lung cancer? A recent report claims that patients can benefit from stopping even in the later stages of the disease.
Quit One for the Team
Would you quit one of your bad habits for $50? What if all of your colleagues got $50 too? Now the pressure is on!
Should Tobacco Taxes Fund Quitting?
High taxes on tobacco products have prompted a lot of people to quit smoking, but it’s missed the mark among low-income households. Looks like this tax revenue should fund cessation efforts to reduce health costs.