Health News

More Sugar May Mean More Diabetes
Gaining too much weight increases the risk of diabetes. But your diabetes risk may rely as much on what you eat as it does on how much you eat.
Losing Weight by Eating More Often
For those who like to eat often, there may be a diet plan for you. And for those who want to stick with just cutting calories, that still works to some degree.
Kids with Diabetes Need More Activity
Being overweight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, which has been increasing in children and teens. But those already with diabetes still aren't active enough.
Vitamin D Deters Diabetes?
Vitamin D—the sunshine vitamin—has been shown to protect against weak bones, heart disease, asthma and other health problems. Now it may also help ward off diabetes.
Teenage Waistband: Diabetes Rx May Fight Fat
Teen obesity is a growing health problem. The percentage of US adolescents who are overweight has more than tripled over the last 20 years. One diabetes Rx may help teens lose weight.
Growing Up – and Growing Obese – with TV
More than 70 percent of children and teenagers have TVs in their bedrooms. But just having a TV in their rooms puts them at higher risk for becoming fat.
Intense Lifestyle Change for Diabetes
A healthy diet and plenty of exercise are essential for managing type 2 diabetes. Now it looks like nutrition and exercise can even reverse this serious disease.
Metformin May Halt Childhood Diabetes
The growing obesity problem is not limited to adults. Children are a part of it too. As rates of childhood obesity grow, researchers are looking for ways to prevent childhood diabetes. A long-used drug may be one answer.
Activity Protects from Diabetes Risks
Exercise is key to staying healthy. If you exercise on a regular basis, you can lower your risk of a number of diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.
Mama's Diet Shapes Kid's Diabetes Risk
A pregnant mother's diet plays a key role in her child's development and health. If you are pregnant, eating an unhealthy diet could boost your child's chances of developing diabetes.