Health News

Gardening Gurus Get Hives, Rashes and Itches
Gardening enthusiasts are out in full force. The sun is shining, flowers are blooming and critters are crawling. For some people, touching hazardous plants may irritate eczema and allegeies .
Up in Smoke
In life, expect the unexpected. In science, expect the unexpected.
Eczema's Effect on Food Allergy
While many children will outgrow their milk allergy, researchers have found that having eczema can reduce a child's chance of outgrowing their food allergies later in life.
Diseases that May Go Hand in Hand
Patients who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) face a greater risk of developing shingles compared to those without COPD. The risk becomes even greater for those taking oral steroids for COPD.
No Comfort from Soft Water
Contrary to popular belief, water softeners may not provide relief for children who suffer from eczema.
The Power of Purple
Fungal infections that cannot be treated with anti-fungals because they have become reistant to them may be treated effectively with lavender oil, according to a new study from the University of Coimbra in Portugal.
More than an Athlete's Foot
Close contact is common among athletes who participate in team sports. This closeness can lead to the spread of various skin infections, dermatologists warn.
Itchy Skin, Eat a Handful of Nuts
A specific omega-6 fatty acid may be critical in maintaining healthy skin, according to a new study from the University of Illinois.