Health News

Surviving Cancer While Living With Other Diseases
Cancer remains primarily a disease of the elderly. Aging also increases the incidence of other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. A new study looked at how other health issues impact cancer survival.
When to Talk About The End
One of the stark and sad realities of cancer is that not everybody beats it. Knowing that the end could be near and talking about it may be a wise choice for some.
Realistic Expectations Are a Good Thing
Hope is an important part of fighting cancer. But unrealistic optimism in the final stages of cancer can influence important patient decisions.
The Lost Years of Cancer
The big C takes a chunk out of human life, wherever it appears – in whatever form. The lost years and the lost productivity take their toll not just on individuals and their families – but the entire world.
E-vading Cancer
The anti-cancer benefits of vitamin E have been all over the map. Some studies say it increases a person's cancer risk; others suggest just the opposite. Scientists have hit a slick spot in this discussion.
Blood Clots a Common Risk for Some Cancer Patients
As if cancer treatment isn't rigorous enough, patients are often at risk of additional medical problems for months afterwards. New research has uncovered that some cancer patients face an increased risk of developing blood clots.
Illegal Drugs Aren't the Only Kind That Kill
Avastin®, a cancer drug, has been shown to increase patient death from adverse events when used in conjunction with chemotherapy or biological therapy, according to new analysis of previous studies.