Health News

Radiant News about Head and Neck Cancer
For advanced head and neck cancers that have stopped responding to other therapies, there may be a new treatment option that uses something you leaned about in high school science class.
You've Got Colonoscopy Options
It's another equal rights movement. Colorectal cancer is very common among women and though colonoscopy is the preferred and recommended screening method for colorectal cancer, women do have options.
Indian Food Can Help Fight Colon Cancer?
Turmeric, a spice belonging to the ginger root family and commonly found in Indian cuisine, has been shown to help fight colon cancer, according to a new study.
Shift Work May Lower Risk of Skin Cancer
While shift work has been linked to several cancers by desynchronizing the circadian rhythm (the body's internal alarm clock), it may actually reduce skin cancer risk in women .
Double Up on Vitamin D
Adults need around 4,000 to 8,000 IU daily of vitamin D to maintain levels of healthful vitamin D metabolites in the range needed to reduce the risk of several diseases by about half.
Fish Oil Saves the Day, Again
Chemotherapy is notoriously brutal on the body, causing nausea, hair loss, muscle loss, and more. But now, 40 lung cancer patients in a study of chemotherapy-induced muscle wasting may have shown that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil block the muscle-ravaging effects of chemotherapy.
Gene Expression and Metastasis in Head and Neck Cancer
A study of 222 cases of oral or oropharyngeal cancer has yielded startling results about the role of gene expression in metastasis.
Mistakes Were Made
Once ovarian cancer has been diagnosed, it takes some general practitioners more than one month to record the diagnosis, according to a new study.
Help is Here, but You Aren't Eligible
Lack of health insurance coverage may affect hepatitis C patients' access to current antiviral treatments, according to a new study.
Call Me When You Get an Answer
Cell-phone use has been shown to increase brain-glucose metabolism (a marker of brain activity), but long-term risks are less clear.