Health News
What Vitamin D May Do for Kids' Health
Parents try to do everything they can to keep their kiddos healthy and happy, which can also set kids up to be healthy adults. This principle may also apply to making sure kids get the right amount of vitamin D.
Not All Heart Surgeries for Diabetes Patients Were Equal
Two procedures often used to treat diabetes patients with heart disease are bypass grafting surgery and angioplasty. Is one better than the other?
Early Artery Disease May Signal Erectile Dysfunction Later
Signs of heart disease can be worrying at any age. A new study found that early signs of artery disease can signal more than just future heart problems in men.
Even Without Blockage, Artery Disease May Still Be a Threat
With coronary artery disease, plaque may block blood vessels. Sometimes, however, plaque that does not restrict blood flow may develop. But even this type of plaque buildup may raise the risk of heart attack.
Low T May Worsen Heart Risks in Men With Diabetes
Diabetes and low testosterone may each increase the risk of heart disease. Having both may push that risk even higher.
Not All Fats Created Equal
Fats are a necessary part of the diet. But choosing the wrong type of fat may be the difference between a harmless snack and an unhealthy choice for the heart.
Diabetes May Affect Young and Old Differently
Diabetes affects millions in the US. But new research suggests that it may affect patients in different ways.
Jobs May Affect Heart Health
Factors like diet and exercise affect cardiovascular health. But where you work might also affect heart health.
Global Sodium Intake Exceeded Recommendations
Salt is a pantry staple and an ingredient present in many recipes. But too much of the seasoning can lead to high blood pressure and the potential for other serious heart conditions.
Too Much Exercise May Be a Bad Thing
Cardiovascular exercise like running or walking has a number of health benefits. But too much exercise may be unhealthy, especially after a heart attack.