Health News
Graphic Anti-Smoking Ads Work
There’s no beating around the bush; smoking has serious health consequences. And the more people are faced with ads displaying them, the more likely they are to quit.
What Are You Smoking?
Think you’re just smoking tobacco in that cigarette? Think again. Cigarettes contain some pretty toxic chemicals, no matter what the label says.
Cold Turkey After Birth
Quitting smoking during pregnancy is thankfully becoming more common. But a lot of new moms go back to smoking within a year of giving birth. This is still dangerous for the baby!
R-Rating For Smoking?
Movie ratings help people make informed decisions about exposing minors to language, violence, sex and other adult themes. What about smoking?
Few Have Ideal Heart Health
The American Heart Association has established standards for ideal heart health, including maintaining a healthy weight, managing blood pressure and cholesterol, and giving up smoking.
Hookahs Are Trouble Too
Bouncing off the water makes tobacco smoke safe, right? Absolutely not! College kids are picking up hookahs instead of cigarettes. They don’t know hookahs are just as bad.
Teens Crave Cigarettes Too
Most smokers start before they turn 18. It’s important to get teenagers to quit smoking, but they feel craving for tobacco just like adults. Treatment plans must account for that.
Anti-Smoking Needs Constant Campaigns
Smoking habits or the lack thereof can be linked to anti-smoking campaigns. Tough economic times can slash prevention budgets. The fallout—a spike in smoking related health issues.
Myth Busters: Skinny Smokers
There’s this myth out there that smoking helps keep the weight off. But recent science may have just proved that myth completely wrong.
Online Communities for Quitting
Quitting smoking is tough work. Engaging in an online community may help people change their smoking habits.