Health News
Smoking Losing Popularity Among Teens
Smokers tend to pick up the habit earlier rather than later in life. Fortunately, getting ahold of cigarettes has become tougher and fewer teens are lighting up these days.
Stop Smoking in Teens Before It Starts
Smoking is linked to many more health problems than bad breath and lung cancer. The key to preventing the health issues is to prevent children and teens from starting to smoke in the first place.
Quitting Smoking for Your Baby — Before Birth
Quitting smoking at any time is tough. The extra effort to quit smoking while pregnant, however, can significantly benefit your baby.
Teens' Tobacco Use and Their Oral Health
Some teens hoping to avoid the harmful effects of cigarette smoking may try smokeless tobacco products instead. But using these products also carries significant health risks like oral cancer.
The Gains and Losses of Quitting Smoking
Weight gain can be a frustrating but common side effect of quitting smoking. How much weight a person gains may depend on how attached they were to smoking in the first place.
Staying Smoke-Free
Low-cost treatment and support programs can help people quit smoking. Such programs may even help psychiatric patients quit long-term and avoid returning to the hospital.
Double the Cancer Behind the Smoke
Smoking is known to increase the risk of cancer. Do smokers who survive their first cancer have to worry about developing another cancer?
Smoking Ban at Casinos Lowers Health Gamble
When it comes to heart and lung health, Colorado gamblers may have hit the jackpot. Since the ban on smoking in casinos in the state, ambulance calls in one county have dropped.
Smoke-Free Doesn’t Kill Appetites
When you’re hungry, you may want to inhale a meal but not secondhand smoke. State laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants are delivering health benefits and not eating away at business.
Taking the Appeal Out of Cigarette Packages
Consumers are told not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes it’s hard not to. For cigarette smokers, the way the package is designed does seem to have an impact on its appeal.