Health News

Menopause Coping System
How we tolerate our hot flashes and mood swings during our midlife change often depends on how we have approached the challenges presented to us throughout other times in our life.
New Findings on Hormone Replacement Therapy
You may remember some years ago when a large women's study was stopped because one of the therapies being tested was shown to actually increase the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
Wherever Thou Goest, Menopause Will Go
Whales have often held the fascination of many people, and women may have more in common with these magnificent creatures that cruise our oceans than we originally thought, particularly women in menopause.
As If Things Weren’t Bad Enough
Menopause is a difficult transistion for many women, but new research indicates that exposure to man-made chemicals may hurry up the process. 
Pregnant Pause
When menopause happens, lots of significant things happen to your body. A biggie is an inability to conceive, which may impact a woman's decision about how much time she has left to start a family.
The Sadness Sticks
After a miscarriage, many women experience depression and anxiety. These mental health problems can continue for many years, even after the mother gives birth to a healthy child, according to new research.
Mistakes Were Made
Once ovarian cancer has been diagnosed, it takes some general practitioners more than one month to record the diagnosis, according to a new study.
Where Do Babies Come from?
Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health have identified a key step in the establishment of a pregnancy.
Battle of the Bloat
Researchers at the University of Cambridge are looking to the fruit fly to learn about human intestinal neurons and have uncovered some startling findings in the process.
Pressure to Get the Lead Out
Even the smallest quantities of lead can affect the blood pressure of a pregnant woman, according to a recent study from researchers at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.