Health News
Could Antibiotics Be Tied to Arthritis in Kids?
Antibiotics are miracle drugs that have saved millions of lives, but some worry that their overuse could have serious consequences. Now there may be yet another cause for concern.
Pregnancy and Lupus: A Fairly Safe Combination?
Many women with lupus have been warned about the possible dangers of becoming pregnant and having the condition. But new evidence suggests that these risks might have been overestimated.

Balancing Life with Lupus
Have you or your loved one been recently diagnosed with lupus? With no known cure, lupus may be a scary diagnosis. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects roughly 1.5 million Americans — many of them female.

What You Need to Know About Lupus
While relatively little is known about lupus — there’s not even a specific test to diagnose the disease — researchers are always learning more about it. Read on for a breakdown of the key facts about lupus.

9 Easy Stretches to Relieve Back Pain
Lengthening not only your back muscles but also some of the surrounding muscles — like your neck, hip, gluteus and hamstrings — could relieve some of your pain.
Eli Lilly Announces Phase 3 Trial Results of Arthritis Drug
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 23, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) and Incyte Corporation (NASDAQ: INCY) today announce that the investigational medicine baricitinib demonstrated a statistically significant improvement compared to placebo in a second consecutive Phase 3 trial in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Got Arthritis? Take Care of Your Teeth
If those aching joints are a result of rheumatoid arthritis, it may be a signal to take extra care of your teeth.
Women, Sex and Sjogren's Syndrome
Sjogren's syndrome — many have never heard of it. This condition with the hard-to-pronounce name (it's "show-grins") is a common autoimmune disease, however, and it may be linked to sexual problems in women.
How Fish Might Affect Your Immune Health
Seafood is always a great choice for protein if you’re young and female, right? Not so fast.
Another Reason to Quit: Smoking and Back Pain
Of all the parts of the body smoking can damage, the back doesn't seem like it would be one of them. Many smokers with lower back arthritis, however, may beg to differ. Smokers with this condition may not respond as well to treatment as nonsmokers.