Health News
Population Immunity to H7N9 Could Be Low
Cases of H7N9 avian influenza in China have had experts worldwide on edge since the end of March. There is still much to be learned about the new bird flu strain, inspiring researchers in Vietnam to probe deeper.
Lull in Bird Flu Doesn’t Mean the Storm Has Passed
Cases of bird flu in China have been keeping officials worldwide on edge for weeks as numbers of new patients steadily increased.
Catching Colds in the Summer Heat
The sun is out, the air is warm, people are putting on their swimsuits and heading to the pool, and you are…blowing your nose and shivering under the covers?
Wheeze Relief
Pre-term babies are at risk of developing a variety of complications and health issues as they grow. One common issue for these children is wheezing.
Flu During Pregnancy Linked to Bipolar?
Being sick while pregnant certainly isn't fun. Having the flu while pregnant is even worse. But being down with the flu during pregnancy might be linked to longer term concerns, too.
No Need to Fear the Flu Shot
One of the concerns parents might have with the flu vaccine is side effects in children with pre-existing conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease.
No Need to Swap Toothbrush After Strep
After having strep throat, many people will replace their toothbrush. However, this may not be necessary to avoid a second round of this bacterial infection.
Experts Concerned Over Bird Flu
Cases of the H7N9 avian influenza have so far mostly stayed within Chinese borders, with only one case discovered outside of the mainland in Taiwan.
Valley Fever Outbreak in California Desert
Coccidioidomycosis, or valley fever, may sound strange to those unfamiliar with it. Nevertheless, this fungal infection can be serious. And now it seems some Californians are becoming familiar with the condition.
Understanding 'Bird Flu' Patients
News has been developing fast from the H7N9 bird flu outbreak in China. But what do we know about the patients who have been infected with the disease? Are there common threads in these cases?