Health News

Extra Caffeine May Mean Smaller Baby
When the sluggishness from being pregnant hits you, it's tempting to brew a cup of coffee. And then another. And another. But does too much caffeine during pregnancy may affect your baby?
Obese Mamas Pass Along Less Vitamin D
Pregnant women are advised to take prenatal vitamins to ensure they get all the nutrients they need. But their weight may play a role in how many of those nutrients reach their baby.
Fatty Acids During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant, your child is what you eat. That may not be news, but it appears that the effects of your diet while pregnant continue after a child is born.
Mama's Diet Shapes Kid's Diabetes Risk
A pregnant mother's diet plays a key role in her child's development and health. If you are pregnant, eating an unhealthy diet could boost your child's chances of developing diabetes.
Calculate a Baby's Risk of Obesity
More and more has been learned about child obesity in the past few decades. What if we could put all the known risk factors together to get a sense of a child's overall risk of being overweight? We can.
Pediatricians Warn of Pesticide Exposure
Residues from pesticides are all around us: in the air, in our food, in dust, in soil. Whether used in farming or in homes, these chemicals can affect children exposed to them.
More Chemicals, More Time to Pregnancy
Researchers are learning more all the time about how chemicals in the environment affect our bodies. Much research focuses on children and conceiving a child.
Counting the Ways Kids Could Grow Obese
Many factors influence individuals' weight. The same is true for children. Preventing obesity is easier when we know what factors increase a baby's risk of becoming overweight.
One Fish, Two Fish, Go Low-Mercury Fish
One of the foods pregnant women need to watch out for is fish. They are advised to avoid fish with too much mercury. But eating fish with lower mercury levels might be a good idea.
Put the Cigarette Down & No One Gets Fat
If you're thinking of lighting up while a little one kicks in your tummy, this might stop you. Do you want an overweight child?