Health News

Don't Make This Common Car Seat Mistake
In the wintertime, do you strap your child into his car seat all bundled up? If so, you may be putting him in danger.
A Breastfeeding Benefit — for Mom
Breastfeeding is known to provide a wide range of potential health benefits for babies. But what about for moms?
Uterus Transplant Trial to Begin in US
Science has accomplished miraculous feats to help women unable to get pregnant achieve their dreams of motherhood. Now, doctors are hoping to help even those women who lack an essential element of every pregnancy — a uterus.
Breastfeeding Gets a Boost
More hospitals are teaching new mothers and moms-to-be how to breastfeed their newborns — a development that could lead to healthier children, health officials say.
The Benefits of Breastfeeding
According to UNICEF, breastfeeding gives kids the healthiest start in life and is one of the simplest, smartest and most cost-effective ways there is to ensure that a baby stays healthy. While you may already know some health benefits of breastfeeding, some of them may surprise you. So if you’re thinking of having a child or are already expecting, read on to learn more.
Are Antidepressants Safe During Pregnancy?
The question of whether to take antidepressants during pregnancy is an intimate and complicated one. But if you're pregnant (or trying to be) and you have depression, you may want to consider the risks.
What a Stillbirth Might Mean for Future Pregnancies
Stillbirth rates have declined in many developed countries, and that’s very good news. Unfortunately, one stillbirth may increase the chances of another one later on.
Parent Age and Autism Risk
You may have heard that an older mom's age may influence her child's risk for autism, but babies born to teen moms and older dads may also be at risk.
Depression Rx Might Pose Smaller Risk in Moms-to-Be
Many moms-to-be who take antidepressants may assume that weaning themselves off their meds is the safest thing for their baby, but the truth may not be so simple.
What Babies Eat May Affect Leukemia Risk
Childhood cancer is rare, but it is still a leading health threat to children and adolescents — surpassed only by accidents. However, babies who are breastfed may be at a lower risk for developing one type of blood cancer in childhood.