Liver CancerInfo Center
Cancer's Tipping Point Of No Return
Hepatitis B infection is serious business. The virus attacks and damages the liver which, over time, can lead to liver cancer.
Sipping Away Cancer Risks
Drinking green tea has been associated with everything from longer life to improving memory. It’s healthy stuff that may keep our DNA strong. Green tea may be adding a new anti-cancer benefit to its resumé.
Commonly Used Blood Test Predicts Cancer Risk
There are certain risk factors for liver cancer that are well-known, including infection with the hepatitis B and C virus. But for the general population, there really isn’t an effective screen – until now.
Hacking Into A Cancer Network
Some cancers tend to reappear after treatment. Liver cancer is one of them, and at this point, there’s no way to prevent this from happening. An early study has discovered a network of molecules that could be hacked into to keep liver cancer from developing.
Drug Fails to Prolong Cancer Patient Lives
A drug often used to treat kidney and liver cancer may also fight a type of lung cancer. New research, though, shows that it does not extend the lives of lung cancer patients.
Training and Eating to Fight Cancer
Eating well and exercising hard continues to pay off, even in fighting a disease as serious as liver cancer.
Cancer Tops Heart Disease As #1 Killer
Hispanic/Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States. These folks come from Cuba, Central and South America, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Mexico, among other countries. Heart disease used to be the leading cause of death for Latinos, but not anymore.
Tackling Inflammation May 'Sack Cancer for a Loss'
Like so many cancers, inflammation plays a part in liver cancer getting started, growing and spreading. Going after the source of this inflammation may be a new way to attack this particularly ugly cancer.
What Liver Cancer And Glucose Have In Common
Did you know that liver cells help produce glucose as a means of helping the body maintain healthy blood-sugar levels? And when the liver starts to get sick, it loses this ability. Knowing this could open new cancer treatment opportunities.
How Do Vitamins and Liver Cancer Mix?
If you're researching how vitamins, minerals and antioxidants affect your cancer risk, good luck getting a straight answer. A new study shows vitamin E may be your friend and vitamin C may be your foe.