ImmunizationsInfo Center

New Vaccine Recommendation for Adults
Adults with certain immune system conditions often require different recommendations for the vaccines they can and should receive. A new vaccine has been added to these recommendations.
Fewer Kids Up to Date on Shots
The safety of the CDC immunization schedule was recently upheld, but some parents continue to be concerned about vaccine safety. This concern may put their children's health at risk.
A Shot in the Thigh – Not the Arm
Common side effects of vaccines are soreness and redness where a child gets the shot. For one common vaccine, it may be better to inject it in the thigh rather than the arm.
New Flu Shot – Without Eggs
One drawback of the seasonal flu vaccine is that it's made with egg proteins – a possible problem for people with egg allergies. But next year, they will have a new egg-free option.
Safety of Vaccine Schedule Affirmed
Parents have often expressed concerns about the safety of children's vaccines. Now the gold standard of approval has been given to the childhood immunization schedule.
Flu Shot Protects Mom and Unborn Baby
With a flu pandemic going on, public health authorities are encouraging everyone to get flu shots. But pregnant women may worry – will the shot hurt my baby?
Whooping Cough's Comeback in 2012
Whooping cough sounds like a thing of the past, an archaic disease that has been banished to the history books. But history tends to repeat itself, and whooping cough is coming back.
HPV, Vaccination & Cancer Rates
Prevention of HPV is now easier than ever, with two vaccines for adolescents and young adults. A simple, cost-effective pap smear test can detect early stages of HPV-related cancer too.
Keep Thimerosal in Vaccines, Says AAP
Vaccines contain different ingredients besides the ones that create an immunity against disease in our bodies. One of the most debated ingredients is called thimerosal .
Immunizations, Autism, and Family Health
There has been a lot of controversy about immunizations possibly causing autism. Even though science doesn’t support this, some parents are still worried. A recent study found that parents who have a child with autism may be making risky choices for their other children.