CancerInfo Center
Higher Dosing Doesn't Mean Better Health
It's a common concept. If one dose works well, then two doses may work even better. This theory was tested recently in patients being treated for chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ), and it didn't work.
Attacking Cancer at the Root
Leukemia research has had some of the best results for effective pharmaceutical treatment, with the majority of cancers going into remission.
Scientists are now researching how to best attack that remaining stubborn minority of leukemias .
As a cell matures, it changes from a very basic, undifferentiated cell to developing characteristics that make it easier to recognize, and susceptible to specialized targeted drugs such as Gleevec ( imatinib ).
But cells early in the development process may be unaffected by cancer treatments.
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Longer Drug Treatments for GI Cancer?
Newly published studies have begun to emphasize the effectiveness of combining several types of treatment for the best success in cancer therapy. This includes patients with gastrointestinal stromal cancers (GIST).
Stemming the Return of Leukemia
Since the advent of targeted therapies, chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) has become easier to treat. And while the drugs usually put people into remission, the disease can return with full fury.
Targeted Therapy Hits the Mark
People with chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) have been treated with interferon therapy for years, but this treatment can sometimes fail. And when it does, a targeted therapy hits the mark, offering these patients long-term benefits.
Extending Lives of Men With Prostate Cancer
Usually, drug companies are the organizations that discover new medicines. It's rare for drugs to come out of academic labs, but that's just what happened with the first medication found to be effective against advanced prostate cancer.
Tasigna Recommended for Second-Line CML
Tasigna ( nilotinib ) is one of the three major medications currently being used to treat chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ). Now it has become a preferred drug in one country.
Marathon Against CML Still Not Won
Remarkable advancements have been made in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia. But the race has not yet been won, according to one of the nation's preeminent experts in the field.
Treatment Options for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) has a number of treatment options. And those options may be expanding in the near future. A drug still being investigated shows positive results in treating newly diagnosed CML patients.
No Longer a Bitter Pill to Swallow
Gleevec ( imatinib ) is among the most widely prescribed medications to treat chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) in both children and adults. Problem is, it's really hard for kids to swallow this oral medication, but that's about to change.