AddictionsInfo Center

New Cigarette Packaging Coming Soon
You will soon see new cigarette packaging in stores near you.

New Year, New Chance to Quit Smoking
Whether you have tried many times to quit smoking or you have never once tried to quit, a new year means another chance to successfully kick the habit.

Number of Vaping-Related Injuries On the Rise
The number of lung injuries related to electronic cigarette use continues to rise.

Regulating Flavored E-Cig Products
A game-changer for the electronic cigarette market may be on the horizon.

Fighting Youth E-Cig Use
E-cigarettes and vaping continue to make news headlines.

Companies Selling Kratom Products Under Fire
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warnings to two companies for illegally selling kratom products.

Heated Tobacco Devices: Not a Safe Option
New heated tobacco devices are not a safe alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes or using electronic cigarettes, according to a new study.

Stop Smoking with These 6 Tips
Quitting smoking is hard, but millions of people have been able to do it, and you can, too.

Understanding Youth Tobacco Use
Fewer middle and high school students are using tobacco products than in recent years, according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report. But there's still work to be done.

A Look at Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Most people don’t need to be convinced of the dangers of smoking. The stats speak for themselves, but World No Tobacco Day is a good time to discuss some ways to quit smoking.