Health News

Physical Therapy for Women's Bladders
Trouble holding it? For women, physical therapy can help them have less pain and better control of their bladder. About two-thirds of women felt much better after getting physical therapy, according to a new study. The more therapy women can get, the better the results.
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
Quitting Tougher for Some Pregnant Women
Knowing not to smoke during pregnancy and actually quitting are two different things. It can be very tough to give up smoking, especially if you have other conditions.
Not While Pregnant – Not One Drop
It's clear that heavy drinking while pregnant can harm a baby. But research has been less clear about whether only a few drinks makes a difference. Until now.
Hook Ups Versus Dating
The transition into adulthood is a time of social and sexual experimentation. Safe practices lower risk of disease, pregnancy and emotional pain. A recent study surveyed young women about their sex habits every month for their first year of college.
No Cognitive Problems from Migraines
It is challenging to make sense out of the brain's mysteries. This is especially true in understanding how migraines might affect the brain. But researchers are learning more.
Sunlight Vitamin’s Benefits in Pregnancy
African-American women are already prone to not getting enough vitamin D. When they are pregnant, lacking this nutrient might influence their mental health.
Bipolar Balancing Act During Pregnancy
Being pregnant with a psychiatric disorder requires careful balancing of care. Women with bipolar disorder must decide whether or how to treat their condition while pregnant.
Birth Control Boosts the Brain?
Most women take birth control for the obvious reason: to avoid getting pregnant. But it can have some unexpected side benefits. Hormonal birth control might help your brain too.
Trying for a Baby Takes a Toll
A couple struggling with fertility will often go through a lot to have a baby. But fertility treatments can sometimes negatively affect the most basic part of the process — sex.