Health News

Another Strike Against Teen Smoking
As a teenager, it’s hard to imagine that actions like smoking can have a lifetime effect. However, research is constantly showing that adolescence is an important period in women’s health.
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
No Cognitive Problems from Migraines
It is challenging to make sense out of the brain's mysteries. This is especially true in understanding how migraines might affect the brain. But researchers are learning more.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Link with XMRV Questioned
Chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) is a complex disorder that affects more than one million Americans. A couple of years ago, a study was released that claimed that XMRV (a gammaretrovirus ) was a contributing factor in developing CFS . But now, scientists say that is not the case.
Natural PMS Relief
If you're a woman, you know those days before the flow can be difficult, even hellish, for you - and those around you. Do not despair, nature has a remedy that's now clinically proven to work.
A Mother's Mind and Her Child's Health
Canadian researchers have identified a sort of vicious-cycle relationship between the health of epileptic children and depression in their mothers.