Health News
Know Thy Neighbor… and His Parents
Teenagers' parents can make a difference in whether their kids drink, smoke or use marijuana, based on past research. But the parents of teens' friends play a part too.
What Is Sponge Bob Teaching Kids?
Cliques, mean gossiping, name-calling… where do little kids learn these cruel forms of social bullying? Well, possibly children's shows on TV.
Mom's Depression Impacts Others Too
Mothers of young children who are experiencing depression may feel too overwhelmed to seek help for their mental health. However, doing so could be good for their children too.
Video Games Are Just Fake Play, Right?
Many parents let their children play video games that are rated as mature, or ‘adult only.’ You may think that children are unaffected by these games but a new study suggests that, maybe, you should think again.
This Is Your Child's Brain on Smoking
There are 101 reasons not to smoke while you're pregnant. But here is reason #102: there's some evidence it might change the way your child's brain works later on.
What Kangaroo Care Does for Your Preemie
Humans can learn a lot from kangaroos. In fact, they already have, at least when it comes to giving birth to tiny preemies.
Brain Injury's Long-Term Impact
In the one to two years after a child experiences traumatic brain injury, progress can be made in their function and quality of life. But improvement then appears to slow down.
Secondhand Smoke and Your Unborn Baby
It's pretty well established that smoking while pregnant leads to various negative health effects for your child. But even being around cigarette smoke can affect your unborn baby.
Athletic Cheaters Face New Test
After Lance Armstrong gave up his case against the US Anti-Doping Agency, the organization and similar ones around the world now have new, more effective tools to find blood dopers.
Alcohol Slows Unborn Babies' Learning
Many studies have looked at differences in children whose mothers drank while pregnant compared to kids whose moms didn't. But what about differences before the babies are even born?