Health News

USDA Awards Grants to Increase Food Safety
There is always a risk of foodborne illness, but with increased summer cookouts, the rate can be higher than other times of year. Food left out in the sun can spoil and meats not cooked thoroughly can be problematic.
FDA Warns Kellogg About Listeria
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued to the Kellogg Company, best known for making Corn Flakes cereal, a  warning letter after the pathogen Listeria was found at its Georgia food manufacturing facility.
E Coli: Keeping it Safe
While the scope of the E. coli outbreak in Europe continues to develop, many in the United States are pondering food safety. So far, there has been no reason to believe an outbreak might immediately occur in the US.
You may not realize it, but your vision can read the headline of this article.  Your brain knows that it isn’t correct and remembers not to process it.
This Drug is Not for Preemies
The FDA has warned health care professionals that an antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection may lead to serious heart, kidney, and breathing problems in premature babies.
AHEM! Please Heed This Warning
Even though research has found that over-the-counter cough and cold medications can lead to poisoning and death among children two years of age and younger, parents are still giving their children such medications.
Help is Here, but You Aren't Eligible
Lack of health insurance coverage may affect hepatitis C patients' access to current antiviral treatments, according to a new study.
Come On back and See Us Real Soon
Hospital readmission rates for elderly black patients are greater than those of white patients, according to a new study.
Are You a Long-Sleeve or Short-Sleeve Kinda Bacteria?
New research findings indicate that long-sleeved clothing worn by physicians does not increase the risk of transmitting bacterial infections.
More than an Athlete's Foot
Close contact is common among athletes who participate in team sports. This closeness can lead to the spread of various skin infections, dermatologists warn.