Health News

Red or White? Or a Shot or a Pint?
Studies about potential health benefits of moderate wine consumption are everywhere - but new research questions whether wine is necessarily any "healthier" than beer or mixed drinks.
Prenatal Smoking is Deadly
We've known for decades that smoking during pregnancy is potentially damaging for the baby, and has been linked to various birth defects, premature birth, underdeveloped lungs, low birthweight and many other problems.
Befriend Your Child
Forming a close relationship with your teenager might have its ups and downs, but research suggests open communication promotes individual decision-making, even if the talk is not all that agreeable.  
Cigarettes Still Kill
Although the tobacco industry publicizes cigarette additives to be harmless, recent research suggests the opposite to be true.
Ditch the Cigarettes to Live Your Life
There are many physical health reasons to quit smoking, but there are mental health reasons as well. Quitting smoking not only improves health but also quality of life.
Twin Study Shows Smoking is Genetic
Twins share many things and that may even include bad habits. A new study involving twins discovered that smoking may be genetically influenced.
Smoking Gets Schooled
College is the first time many students are away from home. It can also be the first time they start smoking. A new study is looking for ways to prevent college smokers from becoming lifelong smokers.
NASCAR Provides Answers to Reduce Smoking
One of the major risks factors for head and neck cancers is smoking. New studies show community-based screenings may reduce smoking habits and reduce the risk of head and neck cancer.
Quit Smoking, Pad Your Wallet
Everyone knows smoking is dangerous and the improvement to your health is almost immediate when you quit. If that's not reason enough, quitting cigarettes can fill up your piggy bank.
Alternative Medicine for Smoking
As the Great American Smokeout approaches, tobacco-free supporters reach out to increase awareness, some with rather interesting means of absolving addiction.