Health News
Bruises on the Outside – and the Inside
Domestic abuse has been linked to all kinds of other health problems, including mental illness. The question is how strong the link is between victimization and mental health.
When the "Ugly Duckling" is Overweight
Most are familiar with pop culture's stereotypes when it comes to bullying. "The fat kid" always gets made fun of by other kids. But bullying is no laughing matter. A recent study found that the majority of teenagers getting treatment for their weight had been bullied.
Help Children Cope with Traumatic News
As the news of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn. sinks in across the nation, many parents may be struggling to find ways to help their children process the news.
Talk Therapy for Kids with PTSD
A severely traumatic event like sexual abuse or a natural disaster leaves its scars on children. They may go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Battle Wounds of Bullying
More and more research is looking at the long-term harm of bullying. In some cases, severe bullying may play a part in post-traumatic stress syndrome.
When Real Disasters on TV Scare Kids
The Twin Towers falling. Raging wildfires. Families wading through flooded waters. These images might show important news, but disaster coverage makes an impression on little minds.
PTSD for Back Surgery Common
Post-surgery recovery can seem like a daunting ordeal before considering the possibility of a related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For many patients, PTSD is a reality, and addressing any psychiatric conditions like depression or anxiety may help reduce the chance of occurrence.
Impact of Abuse is Far-Reaching
The long-term psychological effects of rape are not news. But women who are raped often suffer in many less obvious and unseen ways.
Have You Been Screened for Depression?
Everyone has their good and bad days. But when the bad days are significantly outnumbering the good ones, how do you know if it might be depression? You seek help to find out.
PTSD Rates of Assaulted Women
Rape is a difficult subject to discuss for most people. But a person who has been sexually assaulted can be at high risk for a second assault — and for post traumatic stress disorder.