Health News

Reducing Your Baby's Risk of SIDS
It's every parent's nightmare: you lay your baby down to sleep, and she never wakes up. But sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is rare, and there are ways you can reduce your child's risk.
What Do We Know of Herbs and Breastmilk?
In the US and throughout the world, many women use herbal supplements while they are breastfeeding. It is important to know about the safety and effectiveness of these herbs.
Pediatricians Weigh in on Home Birth
Home births in the US have been increasing, but how safe is it to have a baby at home? Do these children have less access to emergency care if needed. 
No Spoonful of Medicine for the Kiddo
It can be frustrating to watch your toddler or your baby suffer from a cold or a bad cough. But giving them over-the-counter medicines is not usually a good idea.
Pediatricians Warn of Pesticide Exposure
Residues from pesticides are all around us: in the air, in our food, in dust, in soil. Whether used in farming or in homes, these chemicals can affect children exposed to them.
Reading and Teen Pregnancy
Social inequality has long been linked to higher rates of teen pregnancy, but can anything be specifically targeted to help prevent teen pregnancy?
SimplyThick Risky for Babies
Warnings about the use of a product called SimplyThick for children have been expanded by the FDA. Parents should talk to a doctor before giving it to infants.
Do Vaccine Exemptions Make Sense?
Vaccines have commonly been considered victims of their own success. Parents no longer see the disease outbreaks, so they lose sight of vaccines' importance.
Are You Passing HIV on to Your Baby
One key to preventing the spread of any infectious disease is teaching people how to avoid giving it to others. But when it comes to HIV, there is often confusion about this.
Pregnant? What Meds Can You Take?
It's hard enough to adequately weigh the risks and benefits of taking certain medications while pregnant. But the bigger problem is when women and doctors simply don't know the risks. A review article that considered much of the research available and published in April says just that: too little is known about the ways prescription drugs taken by a pregnant mother may affect the developing baby. This is true even for the drugs used to treat chronic conditions, such as asthma, high blood pressure and mental health disorders. Avoid any unnecessary medication during pregnancy. ...