Health News

Less Life Free of Diabetes
Americans are living longer than ever before. But does this longer life expectancy mean that people are living healthier, or are they living longer through periods of sickness?
Kids Need to Seize the Day
Kids shouldn’t have to worry about pre-diabetes or an increased risk for heart disease. They should be focused on enjoying life. But obesity is serious and affecting many children.
Shut Down Diabetes With Some Shut-Eye
Sleep is an important part of your health. Without your nightly shut-eye, your body would not get the rest it needs to prepare for the next day. A lack of sleep can also lead to certain diseases, including diabetes.
From Depression to Diabetes With Love
Depression takes a toll on more than your mind. It can also hurt your body. It is even possible that depression early in life may be linked to diabetes later on.
Teens Poppin' For Soda Pop
Sugary drinks have become widely consumed and popular among people of all ages - especially among teens. Drinking too many of these beverages can cause serious health problems though.
Back Pain Weighing You Down
Extra weight might not seem like a lot of trouble, but the more weight you add on the more pain you might feel - especially in your lower back. Lose the weight to feel physically better.
A "Dose" of Obesity
Being obese is already known to raise the risk for type 2 diabetes. Now, it seems that the "dose" of obesity - the amount of excess weight a person carries and for how long - has an effect on that person's risk.
My BMI is Bigger Than Yours
Obesity rates have skyrocketed and according to new research this isn't even the worst of it. If people continue to neglect or avoid the problem many more people will suffer.
Body Fat in Obese May Be Toxic
Some obese patients develop conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, while others manage to avoid such chronic diseases. That may be because all obesity is not the same.
The Low Down on Down Low Testosterone
By the age of 35, men's testosterone levels begin to drop by one or two percent each year. By the age of 50, 30% of men are already below the normal testosterone range and that number increases as years advance.