Health News

When the "Ugly Duckling" is Overweight
Most are familiar with pop culture's stereotypes when it comes to bullying. "The fat kid" always gets made fun of by other kids. But bullying is no laughing matter. A recent study found that the majority of teenagers getting treatment for their weight had been bullied.
Binge Eating Lowers Work Productivity
A company is only as good as its workforce. Getting the most out of workers could be optimized with binge eating interventions and obesity health initiatives.
Loss of Control: Food, Drugs & Depression
Binge eating may be a predictor of marijuana and other drug use and depression. The good news is binge eating can be successfully treated.
How Children See Food Advertising
It's hard to turn on the TV or drive down the street without seeing ads for food. Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Pepsi and other food advertising is all around us – and our kids.
Teach ‘Em When They’re Young
Compared to teenagers, it’s easier to get kids to break bad eating habits and start exercising. The earlier kids can learn to be healthy, the better chance they will have of staying that way.
Heavy and Smoking: An RA Double-Whammy
Both smoking and being overweight can take a huge toll on your body. Combine the two together and you might be in store for serious health problems, particularly arthritis.
Counting the Ways Kids Could Grow Obese
Many factors influence individuals' weight. The same is true for children. Preventing obesity is easier when we know what factors increase a baby's risk of becoming overweight.
Super-Sized Stress and Super-Sized Meals
Stress is a part of life, especially if you're a parent. But too much stress takes a toll on the health of parents — and possibly their children too.
Replacing Burgers with Booze
Compulsive consumption of food can be stopped with weight loss surgery, but the need to consume can be redirected. Substance abuse is a risk factor for some patients.
Medications for Mental Illness: a Risk Factor for Obesity?
What is the connection between mental illness, medication and being overweight? Science is uncovering evidence that managing a psychiatric condition with drugs may be a risk factor for obesity.