Health News
Steel Magnolias Fight Colds
"Women from the south are graceful, gentle like the branches of a magnolia tree, yet strong as steel to withstand tornados... they are like steel magnolias." A recent study found that young women have a significantly stronger constitution than men when fighting off the common cold.
Disrupting HIV Dance
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University have made more progress in figuring out how HIV survives in the body. The protein called Gag has been targeted for future vaccine development.
Debbie Does .... and Get STD's
Condom use is recommended for prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease between partners. Condom use is even more important when multiple sexual partners are involved.
USDA Awards Grants to Increase Food Safety
There is always a risk of foodborne illness, but with increased summer cookouts, the rate can be higher than other times of year. Food left out in the sun can spoil and meats not cooked thoroughly can be problematic.
Breakthrough Treatment With Incivek for Hepatitis C
It appears that a major breakthrough has occured in the treatment of a chronic liver disease. Remission looks to be a real possibility when telaprevir (Incivek) is combined with standard treatment for hepatitis C.
Second Chinese Child Dead in Scarlet Fever Outbreak
A second Hong Kong child has died from a mutated strain of Scarlet Fever that is more resistant to antibiotics, according to reports by the Associated Press.
Hepatitis A Avoids the Immune System
Just when researchers were attributing hepatitis C's ability to become chronic was due to its superior ability to avoid the immune system, a new discovery was made. Hepatitis A can linger, too in the body for up to a year.
Hepatitis C Patients And Prevention
Along with an emerging mantra of improved health via diet and exercise, another emphasis should now be added: Prevention, in this case, prevention of hepatitis C.
Explanation for Deadlier E. Coli Strain
Scientists have finally discovered an explanation for the greater virulence of the deadly strain of E. Coli that swept through Germany recently sickening thousands.
New Genetic Clues About Rare Brain Disorder
Progressive supranuclear palsy is a rare and devastating disease with no known treatments. New genetic clues could provide new insights into neurodegenerative therapies.