Health News
Are You Ready for Flu Season?
With autumn right around the corner, flu season is lurking around the bend. Now is a good time to make plans to protect your family from the flu.
Making a Serious Illness Even Rarer
One of the childhood vaccinations recommended by the CDC is the one for pneumococcal bacteria. This bacteria can cause some types of meningitis.
Mystery Surrounds HPV Vaccination Patterns
Cervical cancer isn’t all that common in this country anymore. Virtually all of the cases that do develop arise because of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Two vaccines are available to attack the major cancer-causing strains of this virus. But not all young women get vaccinated.
Weighing the Flu Shot Risks
All types of preventive medicine offer benefits and risks, and vaccines are no exception. But often, the risks related to getting a disease may be greater than the risks of the vaccine.
A Jab in the Arm for Heart Health
Most people get the flu vaccine for the obvious reason: to protect them from the flu. But there may be other benefits to the shot as well.
Measles Alert in the Lone Star State
Measles is a highly contagious disease that has become rare in the US. But outbreaks of the disease can still occur, often after a person becomes infected abroad and carries the disease back home. Now it appears that people in Texas are becoming infected with the virus.
When Moms Can Give Babies a Shot
Vaccines protect people from diseases. Pregnant women who get vaccinated can pass on that protection to their developing babies. And it seems some of that protection may last even after birth.
Checking in on the HPV Vaccine
Health officials celebrated when a safe and effective vaccine to protect against HPV (human papillomavirus) was made available to the public. But a vaccine can't protect the public if it isn't being used.
California Finds Measles Cases
Measles was largely wiped out in the United States years ago, but still poses a threat around the globe. New cases of measles found in foreign travelers in California are causing concern.
Measles Cases Cause For Concern in Canada
Preventable diseases can still be big threats to public health. Measles is one such disease. Though the condition can be avoided, it can still spread and cause major health problems.