Health News

Who Is Protected From Obesity Problems?
Obesity and metabolic problems may not always go hand-in-hand. Some obese people may not develop the metabolic changes that are often tied to obesity.
Diet May Trump Glycemic Index
Lowering your risk for health problems like diabetes and heart disease through diet may be simpler than once thought. Patients may need to simply focus on eating healthy, natural foods in general, rather than worrying about how healthy foods affect factors like blood sugar.
Heart Disease Risk Factors May Affect Certain Groups More
Heart disease is the leading cause of death and disease in the United States. And some people may be more at risk than others — even if they have the same symptoms.
The Long Lead-Up to Chronic Kidney Disease
Serious illness does not always strike suddenly. Sometimes, it comes at the end of long road marked by other health problems. Kidney disease often is preceded by other avoidable health problems.
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
Beer: The Health Benefits and Consequences
Many Americans enjoy their alcohol, spending close to $99 billion every year on beer alone. Here’s a list of potential health benefits and consequences of beer consumption.
Show a Little Love for Your Heart This Month
The heart keeps us going day in, day out, though we don't often stop and consider how to keep it going. Officials are encouraging people to devote time to heart health awareness this month.
America's Unhealthiest Cities
Gallup-Healthways Well-Being rates U.S. metropolitan areas for overall well-being, diabetes, obesity, frequency of exercise, and produce consumption from 2010 - 2012.
How Fast Food Leads to Health Problems
Did you hear that McDonald's is serving breakfast ALL DAY? While that may be fun and convenient, don't forget how fast food affects your health.