Health News

The Depression Isn't All in Your Head
Depression is thought of as a mental disorder, but it can affect the rest of the body too. Having symptoms of depression may be linked to risks for other diseases.
Diabetes and Depression: A Two-Way Road
Living with a long-term disease like diabetes can take a toll on your mental health. For some patients, diabetes can lead to depression. Now it appears that relationship may work the other way around.
Group Therapy for Depressed Diabetic Women
Living with a chronic disease like diabetes can take a toll not only on your body but also on your mind. In fact, depression affects about a quarter of people with type 2 diabetes, particularly women.
Are You Fat?
The image of "obesity" often conjures up people who can barely fit through a doorway or who always require two airline seats.
Healthy Habits Ward Off Dementia
The risk of dementia is higher in diabetic patients that also have depression. Healthy diet, exercise and treatment for depression may help lower this risk significantly.
Mindfulness for the Diabetic Mind
Meditation and other mindfulness exercises can be good for your state of mind. Because mental health is tied to physical health, mindfulness training also could be good for people with diabetes.
Beef up Your Daily Exercise, Ladies!
Listen up, ladies! It's time to jump on the bike or treadmill because women aren't getting as much exercise as men - and it's putting them at higher risk for health problems.
Treating the Double Ds is Best
Living with diabetes can weigh heavily on a person's mental health. In fact, diabetes and depression often go hand in hand. Fortunately, treating both conditions at the same time may lead to better outcomes for patients.
The Diabetes Brain Drain
Diabetes can lead to a variety of complications, including kidney disease, foot amputations, and eye problems. Even the brain can be affected by diabetes.
From Depression to Diabetes With Love
Depression takes a toll on more than your mind. It can also hurt your body. It is even possible that depression early in life may be linked to diabetes later on.